Let’s understand one thing, right from the start:
I’m an heir of the promise of God;
Can He break His promise that He swore by an oath?
He swore by Himself...not involving both!
So, He’ll do what He promised...not dependant on me,
and, if I want what He promised, I simply agree.
My life, then, is based on ‘that’ expectation,
because, all inheritance is free;
As I respond to understanding this,
thru that once“cloudy glass”, I can see.
Blessings and multiplications are mine;
To not believe this is to say that He lied!
When that High Priest took over, of necessity,
there was also a change in the law;
The “perfection” He’s seeking, as I draw near to Him,
lets me see things that I never saw...
lets me hear from a Father, that Jesus made mine,
and confidently expect blessings all of the time!
This High Priest doesn’t minister at the alter of men;
He comes from the Tribe of Judah,
in the form of Melchisedec that has no beginning or end.
Abraham, to whom this promise was made,
responded to The High Priest of God;
To prove he believed, out of gratitude,
gave a tenth part of what was his to use.
He wasn’t bound by law to this thing;
He just experienced protection, from the slaughter of kings;
His way of saying, “God will keep His Word”...
which should be the best news that I’ve ever heard!
How many ways and how many happenings...
to show us The Heart of Perfection?
How many more examples needed...
to honor His great resurrection?
“That which is perfect” has already come...
into His Kingdom within;
“That which is in part” should already be done...
to introduce His Lordship to men!
So, let’s put away this childish speaking
and rebellious understanding;
Maturity doesn’t question the Heart of their King;
It gets on with believing and doing the thing...
always with the knowledge, He’ll do what He said;
He, then, becomes my chosen bread!
Do you see what this communion represents?
A feast of victory that jumps every fence!
And, yes, by My God, has run thru a troop...
ignoring the seeming fearfulness of that group!
His Word’s greater than any opposition:
A notable force that raises the dead;
In First Corinthians, Chapter Thirteen,
this is exactly what He has said...
As well as, Hebrews Six and Seven;
Do you think “Face to face” is reserved only for Heaven?
He first explains His Heart of Love to us,
which we have experienced “in part”;
Then, He unfolds, When the “perfect” is come,
we are then, ready to start...
to know as He knows us: Face to face,
leaving “childish” reasoning’s behind,
to set up His Kingdom that dwells within...
letting that Agape spill out on all men.
Based on I Corinthians: Chapter Thirteen;
Hebrews: Chapters Six and Seven.
July 8th, 2005