He said, Be not slothful, but fervent in business,
so that you will represent Me;
That takes discipline of your mind and your body,
that others will be able to see...
My favor is upon you in all that you do;
It isn’t your labor, it’s Me prospering you.
As you’re trusting Me, that integrity,
will open many doors of opportunity...
to establish in you, My domain...
that far supercedes the World’s system of gain.
Now, don’t ever fear the reports that you hear:
“Our economy is into collapse”;
The World’s System is; It will self-destruct;
But, your inheritance has been delivered from that!
Don’t let fear interrupt with what your eyes are viewing;
That System is caught in it’s own un-doing.
Your C.O. is Me; I Am your destiny...
Our Kingdom is founded on My integrity...
that I’ve trained you into and We will expand,
as you continue eating from Our Father’s Hand!
Any interruption in your flow thru,
absolutely does not come from Me;
It has been held up in the atmosphere...
forces challenging Our unity.
You know what to do: Command your servants;
This is part of integrity;
The enemy forces are hoping that you...
will eventually get mad at Me.
I Am your source; All things rest completed;
Now bring this to Earth so that they’ll be defeated!
This is fact in action, which has solid substance...
and this will manifest:
The way that Our Kingdom operates...
You’re now handling My evidence.
The thing they are fighting is their destiny;
They want your power; They know you are free...
to hear and to do from The God that they fear...
to take back to their lord and extend their years.
But there is no end to Our anticipation;
First conquered in you and then to all nations;
So, the “suffering” to do this cannot be compared...
to the “glory” established as you are prepared...
to know how to operated in your inherited place,
and rejoice with each step,
August 4th, 2005