Revelation’s Vision
Gold nuggets are opening all over the ground;
Because the “Hid Treasure” is beginning to sound;
When The Truth gives forth it’s illumination,
like lighting, shines the way to this sure foundation. When Truth’s knowledge comes, it opens the ones
that were scattered, dead, on the ground;
One scripture; another, opens in the same way;
No more “bushels”, instead, surround sound.
Truth, in deed, can be seen and heard;
The whole earth lights up with This Overture’s Words;
Effervescence now flowing from each “light holder”;
Some “notable” forces disturbed.
A Scepter of Righteousness lighted the way
right into the tomb that would stop that decay;
The only charge was electrically
that Devine Schematic revealed to me.
I see on the ground now these golden nuggets,
all tarnished from lack of use;
Then, one opens up; It’s sleep was disturbed:
A dim light; a faint sound can be heard;
One touches another and it starts to glow;
The whole ground is lighted and starting to grow;
The music gets louder; The light’s glowing brighter
and, no longer shadowed, I see...
words I can hear with an understanding
that sound so perfectly clear.
Simultaneously, with all these events;
A sphere rising out of the ground;
I really can’t tell; Perhaps, always there
and I saw it, as I turned around;
As I looked upon this magnificent Pearl,
that cannot be priced or described;
It had it’s own Light; It was it’s own source;
and I experienced a Love inside...
The likes of which I have never known;
I knew only this: I want this to be home!
When I looked around, I could see many fields,
lighted up in the very same way;
Each had it’s own lights that were now more brilliant;
Each had it’s own symphony’s sway.
Great Understanding stood guard on each field,
as I heard each orchestration;
Amazing to me how each note that was sung,
complimented the others Creation.
I conclude: In part, we’ve had glimpses of this;
But, in a very dim light;
With extinguishing “bushels” over our heads,
minor keys have had major insight.
The Conductor, though, is The Foundation,
if I’m going to sing to His Song;
I can’t follow the notes; They get stuck in my throat,
when I sing about “right” and “wrong”.
This Overture is not about working;
But, The Lie and the snake harmonize;
He strikes swiftly; with notes designed to confuse;
The light holder flickers and dies.
What I never knew, until recently, His Truth revealed
has in it, power to see;
Think about that; Do you understand?
It’s like taking a power-pill from the Master’s Hand.
I’m not kidding, when you hear His Truth,
you won’t even want to make an excuse;
When it dawns on you, you’ve been existing on lie’s;
You will spend all your time finding out why...
or what force it was kept you deaf, dumb and blind;
Your focus will change in a moment of time.
January 23rd, 2005
Truths from:
The Revealed Truth; The Hidden Lie lesson # 7
A Covenant messenger proclaiming
Grace for Kingdom Living