Let’s talk about flesh and spirit...
to make clear what God really says;
I ask right now, Lord Jesus,
to please keep out of my head
all of the things that I have been told;
Instead, that Your Spirit will unfold
the message that You intended for me;
To hear all that You say and walk perfectly free.
I have been told that the flesh is evil;
Or does it just need to be trained?
Will I, in fact, cut others some slack
to help them walk out of their pain?
I notice that in Galatians,
the overall theme that’s discussed:
Is that trying to love You
with efforts that look good;
invokes in You great disgust.
Now, this brings up a question,
because Evil does have it’s reward;
So teachers demand that you ‘whatever’;
but the ‘how to’ is always ignored!
Jesus entered a body that also had flesh;
Was He taught it was evil or did He invest
His time asking Father for power that day
to persuade Him and evidence all that God had to say.
Now, the difference, of course,
is that He paid for me;
But, I know, in my spirit,
that He wants me to see
with that great gift of Love
He provided that hour...
a way of escape that The Lie can’t devour
because I stand gift righteous
and He has decreed:
Evil no longer has power over me.
What makes this so hard
to keep on my mind?
Why do I never hear this defined?
I know, in my struggle, if I step out
on any other foundation...
An automatic happening with me:
If I stumble, there’s great condemnation.
I am not deceived; I am fully persuaded
that if I sow to the flesh, I will reap;
God’s truly not mocked and does not operate
in order to try deceive...
But, am I not sowing to the flesh,
if on the flesh I rely
and turn down His free gift of righteousness
when I’m already justified?
Could it be that we teach what we don’t believe
and give Evil ground to completely deceive?
It is soooo refreshing when I lay it all down
and stand on that pre-paid Holy Ground;
Free to respond to a Love I can trust;
Burdens and fears now a part of the dust...
that I really can shake off from my feet
that kind of Love knows no defeat!!!!!
P.S This might take a while;
But, bare with me, my friend;
I really will try to never offend;
And, if I do, I will pray for you
that we’ll both get to victory’s end.
P.P.S Do not mess with me, thou
on this foundation;
I promise, there will be Righteous Indignation!
January 5th, 2005