NOV 23

Major Zapping


What has been labeled eccentricity,

   is really God’s power electrically;

I’ve been given the choice

   to not stand in my place;

Thus, short circuit His power;

   not give action to grace.


His clear instruction to make the juice flow,

   is to‘bind’ and to‘loose’ with an action;

You can yell and demand ‘till you’re blue in the face:

   Thus, Rebellion’s great satisfaction!


Naked time with The Source puts a charge in your heart;

   Electricity flows; You’re now ready to start...

to bind and to loose, the way that He said

   and re-store back to life all of those that are dead.


There has been health knowledge recently,

   with a method called “zapping” electrically;

Simply explained: Causes parasites pain;

   Their dead bodies leave with your body’s great gain..DA 3-3 + 11-23 10f2.

to function the way that it is designed

   by The Manufacturer, with you in mind.

With this method applied to Matthew Eighteen,

   Do you think your spirit’s gain would be seen?


It is so important to keep yourself healthy;

   But not just for self-centered pleasure;

There is pleasure in health so that whole, you can move

   and re-store to The Father, lost treasure.


I told this once to my oldest son

   who had been offended by someone;

The offence was real and wounded his heart;

   But he decided, someone had to start

to bridge the gap, so with one phone call,

   that parasite was zapped to the profit of all.


I would really prefer to just say what He says;

   But with religious exercise, my body stays dead;

When, in fact, what He said was to charge me to move

   and charge another; Thus, short circuit abuse.


The person isn’t the parasite;

   You’re killing the Entity that started the fight;

It has to let go; It can’t stand the pain of any obedient action;

   This is the power that’s been given to you;

The power of Love’s satisfaction.


God has not given a ‘parasite’ of fear;

   But a choice of love, re-stored soundness will hear. 


How many times must I follow this action?

   How many times did I you?

From the time you were born, right up and through now;

  Suffering wrongs for Love’s action to do;


Abandon your thinking; Leave it outside the gate;

   This is how you sell all and anticipate;

All of My treasures that will overtake you;

   Repairing each breach, like I told you to.



January 7th, 2005DA 3-3 + 11-23 20f2

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