What is the ‘church age’ anyway?
In times past You’d ‘back’ what the elders would say;
Like in the incident when Ananias lied...
Your power was seen; positions justified.
Not that I want things to play out that way;
I’d have been gone a long time ago,
Yet, I still have these questions and I’m wondering why...
What caused the difference when Ananias lied?
It can’t be because Jesus had not yet paid for Sin,
as that had already happened then.
These aren’t ‘trick’ questions, because I really don’t know,
Has Your power in leadership been withdrawn...Seems as thou!
Could it be because we haven’t even come close...
to doing the first thing You instructed:
Seek ye first Me; Sell all that you’ve earned;
I’ll take over from that place! Is it this we won’t learn?
In their experiences, their priorities were in place;
I guess you could say, They believed...
enough to not let the love of money continue to rule and deceive.
Has this gone too long? Has this gone too far,
to turn from our ways and be who He said we are?
I think it’s significant, when Jesus gave this instruction,
He spoke to a rich, young ruler;
Isn’t that what He called each one to be?
Didn’t He say, that’s our destiny?
How did it come down to our calling being:
Go tell other people about Jesus?
Tell them what? That they’ll be disappointed?
And, they will, you know, without seeing...
all things that He said you’d be able to do;
Why has that not formed some questions in you?
I think that it did, a long time ago, but you learned how to ‘cope’,
like some marriages I know.
I’m not pointing my finger;
This all started with questions...that I presented to Him;
He led me to answers; Now it’s up to me;
Will I take these steps to my destiny?
I’m not sure how to do this but there’s one thing I know;
He will lead me to questions so that I can go...
to the place He’s pre-paid and has been waiting to walk;
To experience these things that He, Himself taught.
November 1st, 2005