Your Great Throne of Grace, I’m to come boldly before,
where is its location?...I’ve opened that door...
so many times, to obtain from You...
mercy, finding grace, like You told me to.
Does that mean You’ve given me: RIGHT OF PASSAGE...
thru the atmosphere...
where Satan’s domain is inhabiting...
and I have nothing to fear?
A wonder filled change, but with less excuses...
when Daniel prayed and Michael fought these abuses;
A direct path to You, with no interference...
because Your great payment has given me ‘clearance’...
as V.I.P. to walk right on thru; to every need met directly by You!
Forgive me, Lord, for my unbelief; for taking so casually...
what Your favor has done; what Your Life’s opened up...
with this honor bestowed upon me.
Gratitude, as well, in me has been lacking...
Then, You brought this question so I’d see:
You are opening blind eyes; unplugging deaf ears...
in the very spirit of me.
I ask again for Your forgiveness; Yet, only for not believing...
that such a One as You will always do...
what You said so that I will stop grieving...
Your Spirt in me that’s well able to see:
Every step of Your payment for Our destiny.
January 7th, 2006