AUG 11





If I’m understanding this right (rightly dividing His Truth)...

   “First-fruit” doesn’t mean: “A part of”;

“Part” of Jesus didn’t die to justify;

   Who won that battle...Jesus or I ????


Then I take the “spoils” of each victory...

   and become “spoiled” with what that does to me;

Rather than, with gratitude, offering what’s His to Him...

   so He can multiply it to me again and again. 


Since I’m following what He ordained in His Domain,

   I’ve un-plugged the flow of inherited gain;

This is “virtue” that is set free;

   His virtue that resides in the inside of me...

that I haven’t “bound” to not let Him give...

   with His inheritance to “The Him” that wants to live.


“Surface thinking”; “Swatting at gnats”;

   as if He’s not well able to take care of ALL that;

“Earthbound eyes” that won’t see with His vision;

   If I did, I’d not make my own provision;

No wonder I’m too tired to do what He said;

   My time’s been spent “running-in-place”, instead!


I suspect, when I’m dealing with real foundations,

   all “rotten fruit” will fall off;

The “flow-thru” from The Vine never needs a “by-pass”;

   That Artery is designed to last. 


Malfunctioning vessels, designed to carry Him;

   Still, my concentration is to “patch-up” again...

when I’m suppose to operate the way He said:

   I’m a “new creation”; a “new wine skin”! 


He’s closer now than He was before;

   I mean, “literally” standing outside my door...

to enter in a way that will explode...

   what I’ve tried to do in carrying many loads.

All of my plans have been “blown” apart;

   Now, with His Strength, We can finally start.


Well, wasn’t He in me before?  Yes, of course He was...

   but my “Religiousness” reigned me into “rules”;

Then, my “Rebellion” took over with a false “Freedom Song”;

   Either way, I ended up “fooled”!


The “very” foundation of ALL of this...

   is the “root”, He said, of ALL evil;

I store it up, just in case, He won’t send to me...

   from His Magnificent Death of Responsibility:

His Treasury that belongs to!


Well then, what are the steps? How do I walk this out? 

   Do the hardest thing first; The root we’ve been talking about.

This will become “evidences” as your eyes are on Me;

   You will realize I am your victory...and “victory’s” times “victory” multiplied...

   as We’re walking together...seeing with My eyes.


My Kingdom, that I have “staked” first, in you;

   You see clearly now,  My sanctified “pass-thru”! 


You know, Lord, it’s sooo good to get my eyes off from me;

   and walk in Your liquid security...

knowing You’ll show me what You want to do...

   so I can stop trying to “carry” You...


and everyone else; What an absurdity...

   to not say, “Yes”, “Yes”, to Your investment in me;

Thus, let ALL flow thru from Your Treasury...

   and inherit Your Plan: That is victory!

DA 8-11b02

Will I know what to do?  Yes, I’ll just ask You...

   and get Your answer confirmed, like You told me to;

Thus, taking advantage of every weapon You’ve made available to me;

   They fit Your Hand well; You released from Hell...every captive in captivity!



March 1st, 2006

Understanding from: The Enemy Within Lesson # 38 at

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